使用 KATADYN 緊急過濾器 Rapidyn 在委內瑞拉的水資源救援


委內瑞拉人道主義非營利組織 Fundana以提供虐待兒童庇護和援助而聞名,在水資源極度缺乏的地區,Fundana 向家庭、餐廳和公共衛生中心分發了超過170套 KATADYN 緊急過濾器 Rapidyn,使近2000人立即獲得乾淨和安全的飲用水。

Venezuelan humanitarian nonprofit organization Fundana is known for providing shelter and assistance to abused children but Fundana also runs projects in communities with very limited access to purified water. In cooperation with our Venezuelan partner Hope Medical, Fundana distributed more than 170 Katadyn Rapidyn Filter Kits to families, soup kitchens, and public health centers resulting in almost 2000 people gaining immediate access to clean and safe drinking water.

The Rapidyn Filter Kit delivers 4 liters of clear water per hour and has a filtration capacity of 20,000L. The ceramic microfilter is suitable for extremely dirty water and removes bacteria, protozoa, sediment, and particles larger than 0.2 microns without the use of chemicals.

KATADYN 緊急過濾器 Rapidyn DIY 產品連結