斐濟生態度假村引進 SPECTRA 陸用型造水機 LB 2800 :可持續的水源解決方案

Mobile Desal Solution for EcoResort in Fiji

On the island of Namena in Fiji, an ecotourism diving resort sought a solar powered solution to their water needs. After several months of discussion with Spectra, they decided on a mobile watermaker trailer powered by solar panels. Within the 5ft x 8ft enclosed trailer is a LB-2800 unit, media filtration, chlorine injection and a filtered water distribution system.

The mobile watermaker is easily disconnected from the water source so it can be moved to a safe location during threatening weather. A custom control panel was designed to automatically run the watermaker when the solar panels are producing power. Namena island now has sustainable, off-grid solution to providing fresh water for their guests.
