WHI - World Hope International |波多黎各遭受 4 級颶風後為波多黎各人民提供水過濾器

在四級颶風「艾瑪」和「瑪莉亞」摧毀波多黎各的基礎設施後,救援人員向當地居民部署了Katadyn BeFree 3L 濾水器。

專案: Katadyn BeFree 3L water filters for the people of Puerto Rico after hurricanes
顧客: WHI - World Hope International
產品: Katadyn BeFree Water Filtration System 3.0L USA - DISCONTINUED
地區: Puerto Rico

Project Overview

In response to the devastating effects of the hurricanes ¨Irma¨ and ¨Maria¨ in Puerto Rico, World Hope sent relief supplies for distribution to people in an urgent operation to the capital city San Juan. As the fresh water infrastructure was destroyed in the area, the objective of the intervention was, amongst others, to distribute both water filters as well as sanitation kits to the Puerto Ricans. It was vital to the people in need to make contaminated surface water safe to drink and use for sanitation purposes in order to prevent the outbreak of infections and epidemics.

In order to achieve successful prevention of epidemics it is important to provide as many people as possible in a short period of time with safe drinking water. In the area of San Juan, spring and tap water was available to the people, but filtration systems were not in action. Filtration has to happen at peoples home until the local water infrastructure is fully restored and functioning again.


About World Hope International

US-based World Hope International is a Christian relief and development organisation working with vulnerable and exploited communities to alleviate poverty, suffering and injustice. Their objective is to offer humanitarian help to all people, regardless of ethnicity, gender, race or religion. Currently working in 15 of the poorest countries in the world, WHI focuses on the poorest and weakest members of society while putting children first. Their programs bring tangible and positive change to the individuals they work with, who then go on to transform their communities. In addition to charity,
they provide resources and knowledge to the poor, so they can ultimately become agents of change within their communities.

KATADYN BeFree 重力濾水器 3.0L 產品連結
