KATADYN BeFree Personal Water Filter 0.6L
KATADYN BeFree Personal Water Filter 0.6L
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KATADYN BeFree Personal Water Filter 0.6L from the leading brand of Swiss water filters
- It can be filtered to 0.1 micron, effectively blocking bacteria and microorganisms, allowing you to drink the cleanest water.
- The flow rate is quite fast and can reach up to two liters in one minute, so there is no lag when drinking water.
- The lightweight design provides access to clean water at any time during travel.
- When the flow rate decreases, you only need to shake the filter element in the water to complete the cleaning of the filter element (even if it is dirty water).
- It adopts Hydrapak® soft water bag, which is very lightweight, foldable and easy to store, and is 100% PVC and BPA free.
- Suitable for all outdoor activities, such as: mountain climbing, fishing, boating, wild running, mountain biking, etc. It is also suitable for urban travel and overseas trips, so you no longer need to buy Guisensen’s mineral water.
- Won the 2018 BACKPACKER Editor's Choice Award.
Contents: 1 filter, 1 soft water bag
Mountaineering water filter, mountaineering water filter bottle, mountaineering water filter bag, outdoor filtered water, mountaineering water filter recommendation
- KATADYN BeFree Personal Water Filter 0.6L Specifications
- Weight: approx. 59 g
- Dimensions: approx. 7 x 7 x 23 cm
- Material: EZ-Clean Membrane™ with Hollow Fibers hollow fiber filter/Hydrapak® SoftFlaskTM made of TPU (100% PVC and BPA free) TPU water bag
- Capacity: 0.6 L
- Filter life: about 1000 liters (depending on raw water quality)
- Flow rate: 2 liters per minute
- Effective against: bacteria, cysts, sediments
- Filter origin: Switzerland
- Water bag origin: China
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KATADYN 是 Alexander Krause 教授於1928年創立於瑞士,是全世界第一個商業量產化隨身攜帶型濾水器的專業廠商。 經過八十年的發展,如今 KATADYN 的產品,已成為全世界家用及戶外用濾水器的第一品牌,不但歷史悠久,同時全世界還有超過50%的市場佔有率,產品廣為國際救援組織、美軍及各國特種軍隊等軍事機構、世界衛生組織、戶外探險隊及無數的家庭廣泛使用。
為了符合 KATADYN 最嚴格的品質標準,所有的產品都是在瑞士製造和測試的,沒有任何一個淨水系統,可以像它一樣長久且持續地提供高品質的性能。瑞士 KATADYN 個人隨身型濾水器獲得 ISPO 戶外用品展大獎,除了爬山、單車、釣魚、野跑等Outdoor活動用得到,別忘了,喜歡旅行的人,到國外如果不想喝瓶裝水,隨身帶一個個人濾水器,就能馬上解決長天數的日常飲用水問題。